First Time Applicant Please review the Application and Education Finance Planner carefully prior to beginning completion to ensure you have all of the required information as, once you have started, you will not be able to save information entered to complete the form at a later time. Your Name: Your Email: Date of Birth: Permanent Home Address: Phone No: Have you lived in the Marshalltown Community School District or in Marshall County the last six years?YesNo What year did you graduate from high school? What high school did you attend? What Iowa community college, college or university will you attend? What course of study will you be undertaking? In the upcoming academic year, I will be a:FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior What is your anticipated degree to be earned? Father's Name: Employment: Address: Phone No: Email: Mother's Name: Employment: Address: Phone No: Email: Other members of the family - at home: Other members of the family - away from home: Applicant Signature, please type your name here to electronically sign the application: Do you understand that the loan principal and interest become due on or before five years from the date of the note, or upon the completion of the educational purpose for which the loan is made, or upon the maker failing to pursue the educational purpose for which the loan is made, whichever shall first occur? Do you understand that all loans are to be paid within ten years from the date of the loan? Do you understand that a monthly payment will be established, upon the completion of the educational purpose for which the loan was made or upon your failing to pursue the educational purpose for which the loan was made, in an amount which will repay the loans within the ten-year time period? Another employed adult must sign your educational loan notes with you. Who will co-sign your loan notes? Name of proposed co-signer: Address: Employment: Education Finance Planner Estimated Expenses vs. Estimated Amounts Available for the Year Estimated Expenses: 1. Tuition and registration fees 2. Books and supplies 3. Room and board 4. Miscellaneous living expenses (clothing, entertainment, etc.) 5. Transportation (travel) 6. Other 7. Total estimated expenses Estimated Amounts Available: 8. Money parents will contribute 9. Money student will contribute 10. Scholarships ( do not enter unless already awarded or student has a high probability of winning one) 11. Pell Grant 12. Loans Perkins Loan Stafford Subsidized Stafford Unsubsidized Parent Plus 13. Work Study 14. Other sources (do not include The Frank Pierce Trust) 15. Total amounts available Shortage Please indicate what amount, subject to loan limits, you wish to request from The Frank Pierce Trust. Total for Year